Tables and axes > Statistical functions and totals > n25 statements
n25 statements
Quick reference
To define incremental values for means, standard deviations, standard errors and error variances, type:
n25[element_text; inc=arith_expr [;c=log_expr] [; row] [; col]
The n25 does not normally print anything in the table. Use row and/or col to print these values as the rows and/or columns of the table.
More information
The n25 does not normally print out any rows in the table, but it creates three rows which are used by Quantum as part of the other statistical work. They are the sum of x2, the sum of x and the sum of n, and they are always in that order.
Here are examples of Quantum statements which you could write to produce the same figures. These examples use arbitrary columns and codes. The sum of n is the number of people in the table, which Quantum calculates as:
n01Number of people;c=c115'2'
The sum of x is the sum of the multipliers (defined using fac= or inc=):
n01sum of mult;inc=c(122,125);c=c115'2'
The sum of x2 is the sum of the squared multipliers:
n01sum of sqmlt;inc=c(122,125) * c(122,125);c=c115'2'
To print these figures in your table, add the options row and/or col to the n25 statement. If the axis is used to create the rows of a table, and row appears on the n25, three rows are printed labeled text.1, text.2 and text.3 for the sum-of-x2, the sum-of-x, the sum-of-n respectively. Text is the element text defined on the n25. The same applies when the axis is used as a column axis and the n25 contains the option col, except that three columns are produced, rather than rows.
Using factors
Using n25;inc=
Weighted runs
See also
Statistical functions and totals