Tables and axes > Table texts > Printing text at the foot of a table
Printing text at the foot of a table
Quick reference
To introduce titles to be printed after the last line of each page of the table, type:
and then the text on tt statements.
More information
Some tables require footnotes. These are defined using a foot statement followed by tt statements with the footnote required, for example:
tab ax1 bk1
ttcAll figures rounded to the nearest whole number
ttc- represents an absolute zero
ttc* represents a value that rounds to zero
Footnotes are printed on the line immediately after the last line of figures in the table. To separate the footnote from the table, insert a few blank tts before the tts containing the text of the footnote, as shown below:
tt2This footnote is preceded by two blank lines
Footnotes are printed on each page of a table spanning several pages. If you would prefer to have the text printed only on the last page of a long table, you could insert text-only statements (n03s) at the end of the table specification instead of using the foot statement. However, if you are sorting a table that uses n03s, make sure you specify the nosort keyword on these elements to force the text to be printed at the bottom of the table.
You might also consider using the bot statement, described next, which prints the text at the bottom of each page of the table — rather than after the last line of figures of each page in the table.
Foot and its tt statements can follow the a and flt statements to define a footnote globally or for a group of tables. To set up a footnote for one table only, put it after the tab statement for that table. Each level can define a footnote of up to 30 tt statements. If any line is underlined, it counts as two lines.
Foot can also appear in an axis to introduce a footnote which is required whenever that axis is used. It must appear after the l statement, and after any tstat elements in the axis. An axis can contain a maximum of eleven tt statements altogether.
When Quantum reads an l statement, it takes all titles to be titles for the top of the page until it reads a foot statement. Thereafter, titles are assumed to belong at the foot of the table until another foot is read.
Once a footnote has been set up for a specific level, it remains operative until replaced by another footnote at the same level. Therefore to replace a footnote for a group of tables, enter another flt statement followed by a foot and the tt statements with the new footer. For information on the flt statement, see General filter statements.
When bottom or footer texts are defined at different stages of the run, the order of printing is determined by the ttord option, and unless you specify otherwise, axis-level texts are printed before tab-level texts. To turn off a footer, enter a foot statement followed by a blank tt statement, thus:
ttlFootnote for a group of tables
tab ax1 bk1
/*The next table has no footnote
tab ax4 bk1
/*Footnote still applies to this table
tab ax5 bk2
See also
Table texts