Tables and axes > Table texts > Controlling justification for individual tables
Controlling justification for individual tables
Quick reference
To override the default justification of titles defined by the keywords tta, ttb, tba and tbb, use ori. Type:
ori 0
to print text at the top of the current table in the same position as on the previous table, or:
ori 1
to print it the opposite way round.
More information
ori determines the justification (page orientation) for text at the top of the table, and can be used to give finer control over the conditions imposed with tta, ttb, tba and tbb. If used, it must come before a tab statement. Its syntax is:
ori n
If n is 0 (zero), the text at the top of the current table is printed in the same position as in the first table (that is, tta on the left and ttb on the right). If n is 1, the text is printed the other way around (note that this might mean that two consecutive pages have the same orientation).
For example:
/*This is the first table on the first page
/*Justification is L-R-L-R
tba 1
tab age sex
/*This table takes two pages - L and R
ttaTable <<tab>>: Age by Sex

/*This table takes one page - L
tab marry age
ttbTable <<tab>>: Marital Status by Age

/*Orientation to match first page
ori 0
/*This table takes two pages - L and R
tab sex marry
ttaTable <<tab>>: Sex by Marital Status
The first table has its table number and title left justified on the first page and right justified on the second. The second table has its table number and title left justified. Because it is preceded by ori 0, the third table will has its table number and title left justified on the first page and right justified on the second. Without ori, the third table would have right justification on the first page (the 4th page overall) and left justification on the second page (the 5th page overall).
See also
Table texts