Administrative functions > Transferring databases between computers > Converting files that are not packed
Converting files that are not packed
If you copied the database files individually rather than packing them, they will still be written using their original file structures. To convert them, run qvtrans and include the name of the originating computer as part of the command. Type:
qvtrans –m computer_name [–s source_dir] [–d db_name]
Note There must be at least one space between the option letter and the name which follows it.
The computer on which the database originated. This may be the computer name of an alias as described for qvpack.
The directory containing the database files to be converted. If you are running qvtrans from this location you can omit this parameter.
The directory in which the converted files should be placed. If you are running qvtrans from this location you can omit this parameter.
See also
Transferring databases between computers