Advanced tables and statistics > Weighting > Defining weights in a weighting matrix > Defining weighting matrices in hierarchical data > c=firstread
As an alternative to using anlev= (see anlev=) to specify the level the weighting matrix applies to, you can use the c= option on the wm statement to limit the cards that contribute to the weighting calculations and the number of times each weight is applied. It takes the form:
wm1 sex hhold;c=firstread; .....
This causes weights to be calculated whenever the first card of a new record is read. If the current card is not the first card of a new record, Quantum applies the last weights it calculated, that is, those calculated when the first card in this record was read.
Note c= on a wm statement does not define a condition which respondents must have in order to be weighted with this matrix.
See also
Defining weighting matrices in hierarchical data