Advanced tables and statistics > Weighting > Rim weighting > Maximum and minimum weights with rim weighting
Maximum and minimum weights with rim weighting
You can use maxwt= and minwt= with rim weighting as for ordinary jobs. Once Quantum has calculated the weights according to your rim weighting specification, it checks whether there are any that are lower than the minimum value you specified or higher than the maximum. If so, it adjusts the weights as it does for other weighting methods.
Quantum makes 100 attempts (iterations) at setting weights that fall within the given range, after which it stops and reverts to the original weighting factors calculated before the adjustments.
If the adjustments fail, Quantum produces the standard rim weighting report showing the weighting factors calculated by the rim weighting process. If the adjustments succeed, the rim weight, output frequency and output percent columns in the weighting report will contain the following information:
The original weight factors calculated by the rim weighting process. These are used only if the adjustments fail.
The final output frequencies. If the adjustments succeeded then the figures are based on the adjusted factors, otherwise they are based on the values reported in the RIM WEIGHT column.
The percentages for each rim element, either adjusted or unadjusted as appropriate.
In addition, the Rim Weighting Efficiency and the Maximum and Minimum Respondent Rim weights will also show adjusted figures if adjustment was successful.
Note It is not possible to write out the adjusted rim weights as it is the cell weights that Quantum adjusts rather than the rim weights.
See also
Rim weighting