Administrative functions > Will this job run on my computer? > Disk space for levels jobs
Disk space for levels jobs
To check whether you have enough disk space for the intermediate files Quantum creates when processing levels data, do this:
1 Run quantumx -c runfile (to keep the temporary files).
2 Look at the file params.h. Locate the following lines:
int nincs[ ] =
int tabseqs_[ ] =
int bufsize_[ ] =
On each of these lines there are a series of numbers enclosed in braces ({numbers}). You can ignore the first number (it is usually zero). Each of the other numbers is associated with one of the levels in your job. There should be one number for each level. Make a note of these numbers.
3 Make a note, also, of the number of records in each level.
4 Using the information you have noted down, calculate the size of each of the intlev?.q files as follows.
Let X be the number of the level in question.
Let RECORDS[X] be the number of records at level X.
Let nincs[X] be the value from the file params.h on the line beginning ‘int nincs[ ] =’ which is associated with level X.
Let tabseqs_[X] be the value from the file params.h on the line beginning ‘int tabseqs_[] =’ which is associated with level X.
Let bufsize_[X] be the value from the file params.h on the line beginning ‘int bufsize_[ ] =’ which is associated with level X.
If bufsize_[X] and tabseqs_[X] are both zero no file is produced. Otherwise,
If tabseqs_[X]=0, let TS=0
Otherwise, let TS= ( ( (tabseqs_[X)–1)/ 16) + 1)
Let RECORD_SIZE[X] = (bufsize_[X] * 2) + (nincs[X] * 4) + (TS * 2)
Size of intlevX.q in bytes = 78 + (RECORD_SIZE[X] * RECORDS[X])
5 To calculate the size of the intermed.q file:
Let TOTAL_RECORDS be the sum of the number of records at each level.
Let NFILES be the number of intlev?.q files being produced.
Size of intermed.q in bytes = 80 + TOTAL_RECORDS + ( (NFILES+1) * 4
See also
Will this job run on my computer?