Data editing > Writing in the Quantum language > Formatting a program
Formatting a program
Quantum is a ‘free-format’ language which means that, within reason, you can enter a program however you like.
Writing statements
Statements occupy columns 1 to 200 of successive lines and may be written in uppercase or lowercase or a combination. For example:
is the same as:
if (c132'1') write; reject
The exception to this is text in tables, where the text is printed on the tables in the same case as you write it in the Quantum program. Additionally, you must set up table text so that it fits on the paper when you print the tables. For example, if you want a table title to be printed on two lines, write it on two lines in the program.
Space characters
Generally, spaces are allowed anywhere in a Quantum program except within Quantum keywords.
Blank lines
Blank lines in a program are ignored.
Edit sections
Quantum has separate edit and tabulation sections which may or may not be in the same file. If a program contains an edit, it must precede the tabulation statements and must be enclosed by the words ed and end, each on a separate line, thus:
edit statements
Errors occur if either of these words is missing. If there is no edit, these statements are not needed.
See also
Writing in the Quantum language