Data editing > Writing out data > Writing to a report file > Text and white space
Text and white space
Quick reference
To print text, type:
The text may contain spaces.
To create blank space on a line, type:
to leave the given number of spaces (the default is one), or:
to tab to the given position on the line.
More information
Most reports require some sort of text or spacing on the line, either on the same line as the values or on lines by themselves to create titles, column headings, and the like.
To print spaces between the values on a line, you can either use spaces or tabs. To print a given number of spaces between one value and the next, type:
number is the number of spaces required. The default is one space.
If you are producing tabular or columnar output, tabs are more useful for creating blank space since they allow you to skip to a particular print position on the line. For example, typing:
takes you directly to position 25 on the line, regardless of the current print position. Compare this with 25x which moves you 25 positions on from your current position.
See also
Writing to a report file