Data editing > Your Quantum program > Components of a program > Edit statement
Edit statement
Quantum edit statements contain a Quantum keyword and other texts and numbers. Statements in the edit section can generally start in any column, although comments and continuation characters must start in column 1. A line may contain one or more statements, as long as each statement is separated by a semicolon.
Edit statements may be preceded by a label number of up to five digits allowing them to be referenced by other parts of the program.
total = c56 + c57 + c58
if ( go to 100
require sp c(66,70)
100 write
This example add the number in column 56 to those in columns 57 and 58 and saving the result in a variable called ‘total’. If this value is greater than 8, the program goes to statement 100; otherwise it continues with the statement immediately after the if line.
See also
Components of a program