Advanced tables and statistics > Z, T and F tests > F values and T values
F values and T values
Quick reference
To calculate and print an F value and a triangle of T values for a group of columns, type:
as an element in the axis.
More information
The nft element creates an F value and a triangle of T values for groups of columns. A group of columns starts at a base or n23 statement and continues until another base or n23 is read, or until the end of the axis, whichever is sooner. Columns that are non-totalizable (such as, n04, n05, n12) and columns that are not printed are ignored. Quantum also ignores any groups of columns that contain fewer than two elements that are included in the calculation.
The nft element is meaningful only in row axes and is therefore ignored in column or higher dimension axes. It is specified as nft with no row text or options.
With ordinary formatted output, the F value for a group is printed under the middle of that group. With PostScript output, it is printed under the right-most column in the group. The probability, expressed as a percentage, is printed underneath the F value.
The triangle of T values is lined up with the values in the columns to which they refer. The probability for each T value, expressed as a percentage, is printed underneath the corresponding T value. Asterisks are printed down the leading diagonal of T values.
Here’s a spec and the table it produces. The spec is:
tab rating age
l rating
col 45;Base;Excellent;%fac=2-1;Very Good;Satisfactory;Poor;Very poor
l age
col 9;Base;18-30;31-44;45-54;55+
g     Base     18-30    31-44    45-54      55+
g     ----     -----    -----    -----     ----
p        x         x        x        x        x
and the table it produces is:
                     Base    18-30    31-44    45-54     55+
                     ----    -----    -----    -----    ----

Base                  340      65       93       76       70
Excellent              95      21       20       28       16
Very Good              21       4        5        7        5
Satisfactory           70      15       21       15       19
Poor                   69      14       21       17       17
Very poor              49      11       21        9       13

F stat                                   2.40
F prob                                   6.55

T stat                          *    -1.47    0.85     -0.95
T prob                               14.03   39.30     34.06

T stat                                   *    2.50      0.52
T prob                                        1.26     60.51

T stat                                           *     -1.92
T prob                                                  5.68

T stat                                                     *
T prob
See also
Z, T and F tests