Administrator Guide : Administering solidDB® : Running several servers on one computer
Running several servers on one computer
In some cases, you might want to run two or more databases on one computer. For example, you might need a configuration with a production database and a test database running on the same computer.
solidDB® uses a concept of a working directory. Typically the working directory contains files related to running a particular solidDB® instance:
license file
solid.ini configuration file
database files
transaction log files
message and trace files
If you want to run several servers concurrently on one computer, you have to set up separate working directories for each solidDB® instance.
To run several servers on one computer:
Start each solidDB® server process in its working directory,
Use the command-line option -c directory_name to change the working directory.
To avoid network conflicts, use different network listen names for each server in the solid.ini configuration files.
To start two solidDB® server instances:
1 Create two working directories. For example: C:\solid1 and C:\solid2
2 Copy the license file into both directories.
3 In each working directory create a solid.ini configuration file, specifying different listen names. For example:
Listen=tcpip 2315
Listen=tcpip 2316
4 In the solidDB® installation root directory, start the first solidDB® server instance with the following command:
bin\solid -c C:\solid1
5 Start the second solidDB® server instance with the following command:
bin\solid -c C:\solid2
See also
Administering solidDB®