Administrator Guide : Configuring solidDB® : Managing parameters : Most important client-side parameters
Most important client-side parameters
This section describes the most important solidDB® client-side parameters and their default settings.
Defining network names (Com section)
A client application uses a network name to specify which protocol to use when communicating with the server, and which server to connect to.
Connect parameter: The Com.Connect parameter defines the default connect string for a client to connect to when it communicates with a server. Because the client must use the same network name as the server is listening to, the value of the Com.Connect parameter on the client must match the value of the Com.Listen parameter on the server.
The following connect line tells the client to communicate with the server by using the TCP/IP protocol to talk to a computer named spiff using server port number 1313.
connect = tcpip spiff 1313
When an application program is using a solidDB® ODBC Driver, the ODBC Data Source Name can used instead of the Com.Connect parameter.
The [HotStandby] and [Synchronizer] sections in the solid.ini file also have Connect parameters. These parameters work independently from each other; however, they use the same format for the connect string.
Format of the connect string: A default connect string can be defined with the client-side Com.Connect configuration parameter. The connect string can also be supplied, for example, at connection time or when configuring data sources with an ODBC driver manager.
The same format of the connect string applies to the Com.Connect parameter as well as to the connect string used by solidDB® tools or ODBC applications.
The format of a connect string is the following:
protocol_name [options] [host_computer_name] server_name
options can be any combination of the following:
Specifies that client connects using IPv4 protocol only.
Specifies that client connects using IPv6 protocol only.
In Windows environments, this option is mandatory if IPv6 protocol is used.
Specifies an explicit connecting socket source address for cases where the system default source IP address binding does not meet application needs.
source_address can be an IP address or a host name.
Enables data compression for the connection
Data compression is not available for HotStandby connections (HotStandby.Connect) and NetBackup connections (ADMIN COMMAND 'netbackup').
Data compression for netcopy connections cannot be enabled with the -z option. Instead, use the HotStandby.NetcopyRpcCompress=yes parameter setting.
-c milliseconds
Specifies the login timeout (the default is operating-system-specific). A login request fails after the specified time has elapsed.
-r milliseconds
Specifies the connection (or read) timeout. A network request fails when no response is received during the time specified. The value 0 (default) sets the timeout to infinite (operating system default timeout applies).
Turns on the Network trace facility and defines the name of the trace output file See “Network trace facility” in the solidDB® Administrator Guide for details.
Pings the server at the given level (0-5).
Clients can always use the solidDB® Ping facility at level 1 (0 is no operation/default). Levels 2, 3, 4 or 5 may only be used if the server is set to use the Ping facility at least at the same level.
See “Ping facility” in the solidDB® Administrator Guide for details.
Turns on the Network trace facility
See Network trace facility in the solidDB® Administrator Guide for details.
host_computer_name is needed with TCP/IP and Named Pipes protocols, if the client and server are running on different machines.
server_name depends on the communication protocol:
– In TCP/IP protocol, server_name is a service port number, such as 2315.
– In other protocols, server_name is a name, such as solidDB or chicago_office.
For details on the syntax in different communication protocols, see Communication protocols in the solidDB® Administrator Guide.
The protocol_name and the server_name must match the ones that the server is using in its network listening name.
If given at the connection time, the connect string must be enclosed in double quotation marks.
All components of the connect string are case insensitive.
Connect=tcp -z -c1000 1315
Connect=nmpipe host22 SOLID
solsql "tcp localhost 1315"
solsql "tcp 1315"
rc = SQLConnect(hdbc, "upipe SOLID", (SWORD)SQL_NTS, "dba", 3, "dba", 3);
rc = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc,
(SQLCHAR*)"DSN=tcp localhost 1964;UID=dba;PWD=dba",
Trace and TraceFile parameters: The client-side Com.Trace parameter controls whether solidDB® collects trace information about network messages for the established network connection.
When Com.Trace is set to Yes, solidDB® writes the trace log to the default trace file (soltrace.out) in the current working directory or to the file specified with the Com.TraceFile parameter.
See also
Managing parameters