The OpenSSL library can be used with solidDB® to enforce strong encryption of passwords and data. The use of OpenSSL libcrypto for encryption is controlled with the General.UseCryptoLib parameter on the server side. If you want to use external authentication, equivalent connection settings are needed also on the client side.
About this task
solidDB® does not distribute OpenSSL libraries. You must acquire the libraries from either the Operating system vendor or build the libraries yourself.
You also need to specify the library lookup path General.UseCryptoLibPath or let solidDB use the system library path lookup the OpenSSL libcrypto library. The first libcrypto library found in the path will be used.
solidDB® provides an OpenSSL libcrypto library for evaluation and testing purposes in the solidDB installer samples directory. This library is provided AS IS and using it for anything else than evaluation and testing is not supported.
Note Libcrypto shared library is called libeay32.dll on Windows systems.
Ensure that the OpenSSL libcrypto library is available on the host where solidDB® server is running.
On the server computer:
1 Set the General.UseCryptoLib parameter to yes.
2 Set the General.CryptoLibPath parameter to point to the directory where the OpenSSL libcrypto library is located.
3 Optional: If you want that the passwords of any internally authenticated users are sent over a network connection using strong encryption, set the General.CryptoLoginRequired parameter to yes.
4 Optional: If you want to use external authentication, install and configure OpenSSL on the client computer. See Encrypting database and log files for details.