Administrator Guide : Security : Encryption : Setting RSA key length for OpenSSL encryption
Setting RSA key length for OpenSSL encryption
OpenSSL uses the RSA algorithm for public-key encryption. You can set the RSA key length to 1024 (default), 2048, or 4096 bits.
About this task
The RSA key length (size in bits) is controlled with the General.RSAKeySize parameter. The access mode of the General.RSAKeySize parameter is RO (read-only).
To modify the RSA key size:
1 Shutdown the server.
2 Modify the General.RSAKeySize parameter in the solid.ini configuration file. Valid values are 1024 (default), 2048, or 4096.
3 Restart the server.
If the value of the General.RSAKeySize parameter is invalid, the server start fails with the following error message:
11046,System,Fatal Error, OpenSSL enabled, but RSA key size is invalid. Check the value.
See also