You can obtain a list of currently connected users by issuing the ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist'command.
To obtain a list of currently connected users, issue the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist'
For example:
solsql> ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist'; RC TEXT -- ---- 0 User name: User id: Tid: Type: Machine id: Login time: Client version:
0 SOL 7 8264 Solcon testi123 ( 2012-06-05 14:16:48 Not available 0 SAL 10 3892 ODBC testi456 ( 2012-06-05 11:17:51 Build 2014-11-30 3 rows fetched.
The output provides the following information:
▪User name: The user name of the connected user.
▪User Id: The user session identification number (userid) within the database. The lifetime of the userid is that of the user session. After the user logs out, the number can be reused.
▪Tid: The identification number as a 4-digit code of the current user thread in the server.
▪Type: Client type. Possible values are:
– Java, which refers to a client using JDBC
– ODBC, which refers to a client using ODBC, including solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
– Solcon, which refers to solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
▪Machine id: The client computer name (host name) and its IP address, if available
▪Login time: The client computer login timestamp
▪Client version: The version of the JDBC or ODBC client.
– The client version information is not available for solidDB® Remote Control (solcon) connections.
– For solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql) connections, the ODBC client version is shown.
▪Appinfo: The value of the client computer’s environmental variable SOLAPPINFO (ODBC), or the value of JDBC connection property solid_appinfo.
You can retrieve more detailed information about each user connection by using the -l option in the command (ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist -l').