Administrator Guide : Managing network connections : Communication protocols : TLS protocol
TLS protocol
solidDB® supports using SSL connections to encrypt client/server communication . This requires that OpenSSL is installed on both client and server systems. If OpenSSL is available solidDB® server will listen SSL connections on the TCP port or ports defined in solid.ini file Com-section using a protocol name ‘tls’.
TLS is a protocol that uses encryption algorithms to ensure that data received over a public network can be trusted. TLS also incorporates algorithms that provide identity verification using the X509 standard. X509 assumes a strict hierarchical system of certificate authorities (CAs) for issuing the certificates, hence ensuring the identity of someone on the Internet. Certificates rely on asymmetric encryption algorithms that have two encryption keys, a public key and a secret key. A certificate owner can provide the certificate to another party as proof of it’s identity. The certificate consists of its owner’s public key. Data that is encrypted with this public key can be decrypted only using the corresponding secret key, which is held by the owner of the certificate.
To use the TLS protocol, select tls as the protocol and enter a port number.
Syntax example
Server [Com]
Listen = tls port_number
Listen = tls 1315, tls 2315
See also
Communication protocols