Administrator Guide : Error codes : Error classes
Error classes
Error class
System errors are detected by the operating system and demand administrative actions.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® system errors.
Database or DBE (database engine)
The errors in these classes are detected by the server and can demand administrative actions. Messages do not typically require administrative actions.
For the list of errors and messages, see solidDB® database errors and solidDB® database engine errors and messages.
Table or TAB (table)
These errors and messages are caused by erroneous SQL statements detected by the server. Administrative actions are not needed.
For the list of errors and messages, see solidDB® table errors and solidDB® TAB (table) messages.
Communication, COM, Session, or RPC
The communication type errors are encountered by network problems, faulty configuration of the solidDB® software, or ping facility errors. These errors in these classes usually demand administrative actions. Messages typically do not require administrative actions.
For the list of errors and messages, see:
These errors are caused by erroneous administrative actions or client requests. They can demand administrative actions.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® server errors.
These errors are encountered when defining or executing a stored procedure. Administrative actions are not needed.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® procedure errors.
The SA API errors are return codes for the SA function SaSQLExecDirect.
For more information, see solidDB® API errors and the solidDB® Programmer Guide.
Sorter or XS
These errors are encountered when the external sorter algorithm is solving queries that require ordering rows.
Synchronization or SNC
These errors can be encountered when creating or maintaining the solidDB® environment. They occur when using certain solidDB® statements that are proprietary SQL extensions.
HotStandby or HSB
The HotStandby errors occur when using the ADMIN COMMAND 'HotStandby' commands.
SSA (solidDB® SQL API)
These errors are caused by erroneous use of the solidDB® SQL API (SSA). solidDB® ODBC and JDBC drivers are implemented on this API.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® SSA (SQL API) errors.
CP (checkpoint)
The CP messages provide information about the status or conditions of checkpoint operations.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® CP (checkpoint) messages.
BCKP (backup)
The BCKP messages provide information about the status or conditions of backup operations.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® BCKP (backup) messages.
AT (timed commands)
The AT messages provide information about the status or conditions of executing timed commands.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® AT (timed commands) messages.
LOG (logging)
The LOG messages provide information about the status or conditions of transaction logging.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® LOG (logging) messages.
INI (configuration file)
The INI messages provide information about the use of the solid.ini configuration file.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® INI (configuration file) messages.
FILE (file system)
The FILE messages provide information about file system operations, for example, for database and log files.
For the list of messages, see solidDB® FIL (file system) messages.
SMA (shared memory access)
The SMA messages provide information about operations when solidDB® is used with shared memory access.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® SMA (shared memory access) errors.
SQL errors
These errors are caused by erroneous SQL statements detected by the solidDB® SQL Parser. Administrative actions are not needed.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® SQL errors.
Executable errors
These errors are caused by the failure of the solidDB® server executable or a command-line-argument-related error. They enable implementing intelligent error handling logic in system startup scripts.
For the list of errors, see solidDB® executable errors.
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload)
These errors are encountered when running the solidDB® Speed Loader utility (solloado or solload) to load data from external files into the solidDB® database.
In addition to the errors and messages described above, you might receive an internal error. In such a case, contact solidDB® Support.
See also
Error codes