Administrator Guide : solidDB® ADMIN COMMAND syntax
solidDB® ADMIN COMMAND syntax
This section describes the solidDB® ADMIN COMMAND syntax. This command set is not part of ANSI SQL; it is an extension that is specific to the solidDB® product.
ADMIN COMMAND 'command_name'
command_name ::= ABORT | ASSERTEXIT | BACKUP |
The ADMIN COMMAND is a SQL extension specific to solidDB® server. You use ADMIN COMMANDs to execute administrative operations.
Using ADMIN COMMAND with solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
When used with the solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql), the command_name must be given with single quotation marks. For example:
If you use double quotation marks, the command_name is not recognized and the command fails.
Using ADMIN COMMAND with solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
When used with the solidDB® Remote Control (solcon), the ADMIN COMMAND syntax includes the command_name only, without the quotation marks. For example:
Abbreviations for ADMIN COMMANDs are also available. For example:
To access a list of abbreviated commands, execute the following command:
Return values
The result set contains two columns: RC and TEXT:
The RC (return code) column is a command return code. If the execution of the command was successful, value 0 is returned.
The TEXT column is the command reply.
To access a list of abbreviated commands, execute the following command:
To access the options and syntax description for a specific command, execute the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'command_name help'
All options of the ADMIN COMMAND are not transactional and cannot be rolled back.
ADMIN COMMANDs and starting transactions
Although ADMIN COMMANDs are not transactional, they will start a new transaction if one is not already open. (They do not commit or roll back any open transaction.) This effect is usually insignificant. However, it may affect the “start time” of a transaction, and that may occasionally have unexpected effects. The concurrency control in solidDB® is based on a versioning system; you see a database as it was at the time that your transaction started.
For example, if you issue an ADMIN COMMAND without another commit and then leave for an hour; when you return, your next SQL command may see the database as it was an hour ago, that is, when you first started the transaction with the ADMIN COMMAND.
Error codes
Error codes in ADMIN COMMANDS return an error only if the command syntax or parameter values are incorrect. If only the requested operation may be started, the command returns SQLSUCCESS (0). The outcome of the operation itself is written into a result set. The result set has two columns: RC and TEXT. The RC (return code) column contains the return code of the operation: it is 0 for success, and different numeric values for errors. It is thus necessary to check both the codes of the ADMIN COMMAND statement and of the operation.
Option syntax and descriptions
ADMIN COMMAND 'abort [backup | netbackup]'
Aborts the active local or network backup process. The backup operation is not guaranteed to be atomic, therefore the cancelled operation might produce an incomplete backup file to the backup directory until the next backup takes place.
If the option is not entered, the command defaults to ADMIN COMMAND 'abort backup'.
ADMIN COMMAND 'assertexit'
Abbreviation: asex
Terminates the server immediately without a proper shut down.
ADMIN COMMAND 'backgroundjob' [LIST [-l] [user]] | [ABORT {jobid | user | ALL }] | [DELETE ERRORINFO {jobid | user | ALL }]'
user ::= USER {username|userid}
Abbreviation: bgjob
Lists and optionally aborts running background jobs, that is, SQL statements that have been started by using the START AFTER COMMIT statement.
LIST option lists running jobs for all users or a specified user.
-l option refers to a long list (similar to ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist -l').
ABORT option aborts either jobs by job identification number or all jobs by user identification number. If you give the ABORT without arguments, it aborts all jobs from all users.
DELETE ERRORINFO option deletes error information from the
SYS_BACKGROUNDJOB_INFO system table, where the errors encountered by background jobs are stored. This option performs the same operation as the deprecated ADMIN COMMAND 'CLEANBGJOBINFO' command.
ADMIN COMMAND 'backup [-s] [backup_directory]'
Abbreviation: bak
Makes a backup of the database. The operation can be performed in a synchronized or an asynchronic (default) manner. The synchronized operation is specified by using the -s option.
The default backup directory is defined with the General.BackupDirectory. The backup directory can also be given as an argument. For example, backup abc creates a backup in directory abc. All directory definitions are relative to the solidDB® working directory.
ADMIN COMMAND 'backuplist'
Abbreviation: bls
Displays a status list of last local backups.
ADMIN COMMAND 'checkpointing {ON|OFF}'
Abbreviation: cp
Turns checkpointing on or off.
ADMIN COMMAND 'cleanbgjobinfo'
Abbreviation: cleanbgi
Note This command has been deprecated. Use ADMIN COMMAND 'backgroundjob' instead.
Cleans the table SYS_BACKGROUNDJOB_INFO containing status data of background procedures.
Abbreviation: clo
Closes the server to new connections; no new connections are allowed.
ADMIN COMMAND 'describe parameter param'
Abbreviation: des
Returns a description of all parameters or a parameter specified with param.
param must be given in the format section_name.param_name. The section and parameter names are case-insensitive.
The following example describes parameter Com.Trace = y/n:
ADMIN COMMAND 'des parameter com.trace'
-- ----
0 Trace
0  If set to 'yes', trace information of the network messages
is written to a file
0 No 7 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'errorcode {all | SOLID_error_code}'
Abbreviation: ec
Returns a description of all error codes or a specific error code.
SOLID_error_code is the code number, for example 10034.
ADMIN COMMAND 'errorcode 10034';
-- ----
0 Code: DBE_ERR_SEQEXIST (10034)
0 Class: Database
0 Type: Error
0 Text: Sequence already exists 4 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'errorexit <number>'
Abbreviation: erex
Forces the server into an immediate process exit with the given process exit code.
ADMIN COMMAND 'errormessage <string>'
Abbreviation: errmsg
Outputs the user-defined <string> to the error message log (solerror.out).
ADMIN COMMAND 'filespec [-d | -a "<file_name> <max_file_size_in_bytes> [<device_number>]"]'
Abbreviation: fs
Displays or modifies database (index) file specifications defined with the IndexFile.FileSpec parameter as well file sizes and current fill ratios (percentage).
-d deletes the database file specified with <file_name max_file_size_in_bytes> [device_number]
-a adds a new database file specification as specified with <file_name> >max_file_size_in_bytes> [<device_number>]
For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'fs -a "solid3.db 3000M"';
-- ----
0 Added: FileSpec_3 = solid3.db 3145728000
The database file specification changes are stored in the solid.ini configuration file at shutdown.
ADMIN COMMAND 'getreadonlyflag'
Abbreviation: grof
Returns the read-only status of the database.
You can set the database set to read-only mode with the General.Readonly parameter. Alternatively, if the server runs out of disk space, it switches to read-only mode automatically.
Abbreviation: ?
Displays available commands.
ADMIN COMMAND 'hotstandby [option]'
Abbreviation: hsb
A HotStandby command. For a list of options, see the solidDB® High Availability User Guide.
ADMIN COMMAND 'indexusage'
Abbreviation: idxu
Displays the indexes, showing the number of times each index has been used.
ADMIN COMMAND 'info [options]'
Abbreviation: info
Returns server information. The output consists of 25 rows of data.
options are as follows:
numusers - Number of current users.
maxusers - Maximum number of users.
sernum - Server serial number.
dbsize - Database size (KB).
logsize - Size of log files (KB).
uptime - Server startup timestamp.
bcktime - Timestamp of last successfully completed local backup.
cptime - Timestamp of last successfully completed checkpoint.
tracestate - Current trace state - see ADMIN COMMAND 'trace' for information on tracing.
monitorstate - Current monitor state, shown as the number of users who have SQL monitoring currently enabled (see ADMIN COMMAND 'monitor' for information on SQL monitoring).
If all users have SQL monitoring enabled, the value is -1.
openstate - Current state for accepting connections. Open means that the database server accepts new connections.
nummerges - Number of merges.
numlocks - Number of locks.
numcursors - Number of open cursors.
numtransactions - Number of open transactions.
memtotal - Total amount of allocated memory (bytes).
dbfreesize - Amount of free space remaining in database (KB).
dbpagesize - Database page size (KB).
imdbsize - Amount of space used by in-memory tables (including temporary tables and transient tables) and the indexes on those tables. The return value is in kilobytes (KB) and is in the form of a VARCHAR.
name - Server name. You can set the server name with the solidDB® startup option -n name.
primarystarttime - The time the Primary role has started.
secondarystarttime- The time the Secondary role has started.
dbconfigsize - The configured database size (MB), as set with the IndexFile.FileSpec parameter.
dbcreatetime | dbcreationtime - Database creation timestamp.
processsize | psize - System-level virtual process size (KB).
More than one option can be used per command. Values are returned in the same order as requested, one row for each value.
ADMIN COMMAND 'info dbsize logsize';
-- ----
0 851968
0 573440
2 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'logmessage <string>'
Abbreviation: logmsg
Outputs the user-defined <string> to the message log (solmsg.out).
ADMIN COMMAND 'logreader stop [all|<partition_id>]'
Abbreviation: lr
This command stops the transmission of log records on active log reader connections.
When this command is issued, the active log reader applications reach the end of the result set (SQLSTATE 0200, No data found) when fetching the next row of the SYS_LOG table.
If the form LOGREADER STOP or LOGREADER STOP ALL is used, all log record transmissions are stopped. If a <PARTITION_ID> is given, the command affect only the log reader operation on that partition.
To access the log again, the application needs to reconnect. The log reading may be resumed without any loss of information if the last read position is known. If the SYS_LOG table is accessed without specifying the log position, the reading starts from the live data.
Note The stopping of the log transmission is effective immediately, regardless of the fact that there might be records in the log awaiting transmission.
If the server is running in the relaxed durability mode (default), do not execute LOGREADER STOP before all the records are written to the log, if those records are meant to be seen in the log reader. With the default logging settings, it is safe to wait for 5 seconds after the last write operation.
ADMIN COMMAND 'makecp [-s]'
Abbreviation: mcp
Makes a checkpoint. Only users with SYS_ADMIN_ROLE privilege can execute this command.
By default, the checkpoint is asynchronous. With the option -s, the command returns only after the checkpoint has completed.
Abbreviation: mem
Returns the server process memory size, that is, the amount of memory allocated by the server based on internal solidDB® memory counters, including the memory used by data in the in-memory tables.
The reported process memory size can differ from the process size reported by your operating system.
ADMIN COMMAND 'messages [{ warnings | errors}] [count]'
Abbreviation: mes
Displays server messages. Optionally, you can also specify the severity and message numbers of the output.
For example, ADMIN COMMAND 'messages warnings 100' displays last 100 warnings.
ADMIN COMMAND 'monitor {on | off} [ user {username | userid}]'
Abbreviation: mon
Sets server monitoring on and off.
When set to on, user activity and SQL calls are logged into the soltrace.out file.
ADMIN COMMAND 'netbackup [options] [DELETE_LOGS | KEEP_LOGS] [connect connect_str] [dir backup_dir]'
Abbreviation: nbak
Makes a network backup of the database. The operation can be performed as a synchronized or an asynchronic (default) manner.
options can be
-s Synchronized execution
-I Executes a full database integrity check
-i Executes a database index integrity check
DELETE_LOGS | KEEP_LOGS defines whether backup logs are deleted or kept in the source server. Default is DELETE_LOGS.
DELETE_LOGS is referred to as Full backup.
KEEP_LOGS is referred to as Copy backup. Using KEEP_LOGS corresponds to setting the General.NetbackupDeleteLog parameter to no.
connect connect_str specifies the connection to the NetBackup Server. If connect_str is omitted, it must be specified in the solid.ini configuration file.
dir backup dir defines the backup directory in the NetBackup Server. The path can be either absolute or relative to the netbackup root directory.
The default connect string and the default netbackup directory are defined with the General.NetBackupConnect and the General.NetBackupDirectory parameters.
The options that are entered with this command override the values specified in the solid.ini file.
Directory definitions are relative to the solidDB® working directory.
ADMIN COMMAND 'netbackuplist'
Abbreviation: nbls
Displays a status list of the most recently made network backups of the database server.
Abbreviation: net
Displays server settings and the network status.
ADMIN COMMAND 'notify user {username | user_id | ALL } message'
Abbreviation: not
This command sends an event to a given user with event identifier NOTIFY. This identifier is used to cancel an event-waiting thread when the statement timeout is not long enough for a disconnect or to change the event registration.
The following example sends a notify message to a user with user id 5; the event then gets the value of the message parameter.
ADMIN COMMAND 'notify user 5 Canceled by admin'
Abbreviation: ope
Opens server for new connections; new connections are allowed.
ADMIN COMMAND ‘parameter [-r] [-t] [name[=[+[value][temporary]]'
Abbreviation: par
Displays and sets server parameter values.
If you run the command without any options, all parameters are displayed.
= [*|value][temporary]
If you assign a parameter value with an asterisk (*), the parameter will be set to its factory value.
If value is not specified, the parameter will be set to its startup value.
temporary means that the changed value is not stored in the solid.ini file.
For example:
'parameter general' displays all parameters from section [General].
'parameter general.readonly' displays the parameter Readonly in the [General] section.
'parameter com.trace=yes' sets communication trace on.
'parameter com.trace=' sets communication trace to its startup value.
'parameter com.trace=*' sets communication trace to its factory value.
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon [- c | - r] [print_options] [name_prefix_list]'
Abbreviation: pmon
Returns server performance counters for the past few minutes at approximately one minute intervals. Most values are shown as the average number of events per second. Counters that cannot be expressed as events per second (for example, database size) are expressed in absolute values.
-c - prints actual counter values for each snapshot.
-r - prints counter values in raw mode, which includes only the latest counter values without any formatting. The counter names are not printed. This option is useful if actual monitoring is performed using some other external program that retrieves the counter values from the server. You can retrieve the counter names with the --xnames option.
-xtime - prints the time in seconds
-xtimediff - prints the difference to the last pmon call in milliseconds
-xnames - prints out the column names for the output
-xdiff - indicates the difference to the last ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon' execution instead of the absolute value
name_prefix_list - limits the output to specific counter types, as indicated by the first word in the counter name. For example, to print all File related counters, the name_prefix_list should be file. You can also specify multiple prefixes.
The following example returns all information:
The following example returns all values for counters whose name starts with prefix File and Cache.
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon -c file cache'
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon diff [ start | stop ] [filename] [interval]'
Abbreviation: pmon diff
Starts a server task that prints out all perfmon counters with specified intervals to a file.
filename is the name of the output file. The performance data is output in comma-separated value format; the first row contains the counter names, and each subsequent row contains the performance data per each sampling time.
The default file name is pmondiff.out.
interval is the interval in milliseconds at which performance data is collected.
The default interval is 1000 milliseconds.
The following command starts a task that outputs performance data to myd.csv file on 500 milliseconds interval:
ADMIN COMMAND 'pmon diff start myd.csv 500'
ADMIN COMMAND 'perfmon timers [ start | stop | list | clear ]'
Abbreviation: pmon timers
Produces information about execution times of database operations such as SQL execute and file operations for each user.
start starts the timers and clears the existing counter values.
stop stops the timers and keeps the current counter values.
list lists the current counter values.
clear clears the current counter values.
The timer information is given in seconds. The values are cumulative since last perfmon timers start or perfmon timers clear.
The output can be viewed in the console window (perfmon timers list) or printed into a report file with ADMIN COMMAND 'report report_name'. In the report file, the timer information is listed under the section PERFORMANCE TIMERS. The output lists the execution times for each user, identified with the userid.
Abbreviation: pid
Returns server process id.
ADMIN COMMAND 'proctrace { on | off } user username { procedure | trigger | table } entity_name'
Abbreviation: ptrc
This turns on tracing in stored procedures and triggers.
username is the name of the user whose procedure calls (or triggers) you want to trace. If multiple connections are using the same username, calls from all of those connections will be traced. Furthermore, if you are using advanced replication, the tracing will be done not only for calls on the replica, but also calls that are propagated to the master and then executed on the master.
entity_nameis the name of the procedure, trigger, or table for which you want to turn tracing on or off. If you specify a procedure or trigger name, then it will generate output for every statement in the specified procedure or trigger. If you specify a table name, then it will generate output for all triggers on that table. Trace is activated only when the specified username calls the procedure / trigger.
For more details about proctrace, see the section Tracing facilities for stored procedures and triggers in thesolidDB® SQL Guide.
See also ADMIN COMMAND 'usertrace'.
ADMIN COMMAND 'protocols'
Abbreviation: prot
Returns a list of available communication protocols.
Example (Windows environments):
ADMIN COMMAND 'protocols';
-- ----
0 NmPipe np
0 TCP/IP tc
2 rows fetched.
ADMIN COMMAND 'report filename'
Abbreviation: rep
Generates a report of server information and statistics to a file defined with filename.
ADMIN COMMAND 'runmerge'
Abbreviation: rm
Runs an index merge.
ADMIN COMMAND 'save parameters [filename]'
Abbreviation: save
Saves the set of current configuration parameter values to a file. If no file name is given, the default solid.ini file is rewritten. This operation is performed implicitly at each checkpoint.
ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown [force]'
Abbreviation: sd
Stops the server process.
If the force option is used, the active transactions are aborted and the users are disconnected forcefully.
ADMIN COMMAND 'sqllist [top number_of_statements]'
Prints out a list of the longest running SQL statements among the currently running statements. You must specify the number of statements you want to list.
ADMIN COMMAND 'startmerge'
Abbrevation: sm
Starts and waits for completion of merge.
Abbreviation: sta
Displays statistics for the server since the startup. The output provides the following information:
Server startup timestamp
Working directory
Configuration file location and name
Memory statistics: Amount of memory allocated by the server based on internal solidDB memory counters, including the memory used by data in the in-memory tables (same as ADMIN COMMAND 'memory' output value)
Process size statistics in KB
Resident set size: Actual process size in memory as reported by the operating system
Virtual size: System-level virtual process size (same as ADMIN COMMAND 'info processsize' output value)
Transaction count statistics:
Commit - Number of committed transactions
Abort - Number of system-aborted transactions
Rollback - Number of transactions rolled back by user
Total - Total number of committed, aborted, and rolled back transactions
Read-only - Number of read-only transactions
Trxbuf - Number of transactions in transaction buffer
Active - Number of active transactions (same as performance counter Trans active)
Validate - Number of active transactions being validated at commit phase (same as performance counter Trans validate)
Cache count statistics:
Hit rate - Percentage of successful bufferpool cache hits (disk access avoided)
Find - Number of searches in cache
Read - Number of read operations on disk
Write - Number of write operations from cache to disk
Database statistics:
Index writes - Number of write operations
(Index writes) After last merge - Number of write operations since last merge
Log writes - Number of log write operations
(Log writes) After last cp - Number of log write operations since last checkpoint
Active searches - Number of active searches on database engine level
(Active searches) Average - Average number of active searches on database engine level
Database size
Log size
User count statistics:
Current - Number of current connected users
Maximum - Number of concurrently connected users since startup
Total - Number of connected users since startup
ADMIN COMMAND 'status backup | netbackup'
Abbreviation: sta backup | netbackup
Displays status of the last started local or network backup. The status can be one of the following:
If the last backup was successful or no backups have been requested, the output is 0 SUCCESS.
If the backup is in process (for example, started but not ready yet), then the output is 14003 ACTIVE.
If the backup is being finalized, the output is 14003 STOPPING.
If the last backup failed, the output is: errorcode ERROR where the errorcode shows the reason for the failure.
ADMIN COMMAND 'throwout {username | userid | all}'
Abbreviation: to
Exits all or specific users from solidDB. To exit a specified user, give the username or user id as an argument. To throw out all users, use the keyword ALL as an argument.
Abbreviation: tid
This command returns the ID (4-digit code) of the current user thread (in the server
ADMIN COMMAND 'trace { on | off } sql | est | estplans | rpc | sync | flowplans | rexec | batch | logreader | xa | hac | info <level> | func | proc | all | active'
Abbreviation: tra
Sets server trace on or off.
The name of the default trace file is soltrace.out.
The tracing options are:
sql - SQL messages
est - SQL estimator information
estplans - SQL execution plan
rpc - Network communications
sync - synchronization messages
flowplans - plans of SQL statements related to advanced replication
rexec - remote procedure call information
batch - background job and deferred procedure call information
logreader - logs the following information into the trace file soltrace.out.
Logreader read started.
Errors in logreader cursor start. Total of 14 different error conditions are printed.
Logreader read stopped.
Abnormal read stop after certain system changes.
High level information of number of returned log records and read progress.
Each information is tagged with user id so operations from different users can be separated.
xa - distributed transaction information
hac - High Availability Controller (HAC); trace information is output to hactrace.out in the HAC working directory
Note To start tracing on HAC, you must issue the command on a HAC connection. For example, connect to HAC with solsql using the port defined with the HAController.Listen parameter in the solidhac.ini configuration file.
info <level> - SQL execution trace (level can be 0...8)
func - function execution information
proc - stored procedure execution information
all - both SQL messages and network communications messages are written to the trace file.
active - lists all active traces
ADMIN COMMAND 'tracemessage <string>'
Abbreviation: trcmsg
Outputs the user-defined <string> to the trace message log (soltrace.out).
Abbreviation: uid
Returns the user identification number of the current connection.
The lifetime of an Id is that of the user session. After a user logs out, the number may be reused.
-- ----
0 8
1 rows fetched.
For example, the userid can be used in the ADMIN COMMAND ''throwout' command to disconnect a specific user.
ADMIN COMMAND ‘userlist [-1] [name | id]'
Abbreviation: ul
This command displays a list of users that are currently logged into the database, as well as information about various database operations and settings for each user. The option -l (long) displays a more detailed output.
Without the -l option, the following information is displayed: User name, User Id, Tid, Type, Machine Id, Login time, Client version, and Appinfo (if available).
With the -l option, the following information is displayed:
User name - The user name of the connected user.
User Id - The user session identification number (userid) within the database. The lifetime of the userid is that of the user session. After the user logs out, the number can be reused.
Tid - The identification number as a 4-digit code of the current user thread in the server.
Type - Client type. Possible values are:
Java, which refers to a client using JDBC
ODBC, which refers to a client using ODBC, including solidDB SQL Editor (solsql)
Solcon, which refers to solidDB Remote Control (solcon)
Machine id - The client computer name (host name) and its IP address, if available
Login time - The client computer login timestamp
Client version - The version of the JDBC or ODBC client.
The client version information is not available for solidDB Remote Control (solcon) connections.
For solidDB SQL Editor (solsql) connections, the ODBC client version is shown.
Appinfo - The value of the client computer’s environmental variable SOLAPPINFO (ODBC), or the value of JDBC connection property solid_appinfo.
Last activity - The time when the client last time sent a request to the server.
Autocommit - Value 0 means that the autocommit mode is switched off; the current transaction is open until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is issued.
Value 1 means that the autocommit mode is switched on; each statement is automatically committed.
RPC compression - Indicates whether the data transmission compression is on or off.
Transparent failover - This field indicates if Transparent Failover (TF) is in use (HotStandby configurations). Because solidDB tools do not support TF, you will only see a “no” value in this field when using solsql or solcon.
Transparent cluster - Transparent cluster indicates whether the load balancing feature (in HSB) is enabled for this connection or not.
Transaction active - This field indicates whether there is an open, uncommitted
transaction on the connections (value 1) or not (value 0). When the connection is set for Autocommit, the value is, most of the time, 0.
Transaction duration - This field indicates the duration of the currently open transaction. After COMMIT or ROLLBACK, the value becomes 0.
Transaction isolation - This field indicates the transaction isolation level for the transactions. The isolation level decides how data which is a part of an ongoing transaction is made visible to other transactions.
Transaction durability - This field indicates the durability of the currently open transaction.
Transaction safeness - This field indicates the safeness of the currently open transaction (set with HotStandby.SafenessLevel).
Transaction autocommit - This field indicates whether the currently open transaction is automatically committed. If the transaction autocommit for the current transaction is switched off (value 0), the current transaction is open until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement is issued. After that, a new statement starts a new transaction.
If the autocommit mode is switched on for the current transaction (value 1), each statement is automatically committed.
Current catalog - Indicates the current catalog name.
Current schema - Indicates the current schema name.
Sortgroubby - Indicates how the GROUP BY statement is performed if explicit information about the number of result groups is not available. There are two possible values:
ADAPTIVE - GROUP BY input is pre-sorted if the real number of result groups exceeds the number of rows that fit into the central memory array for GROUP BY.
STATIC - GROUP BY input is pre-sorted whenever there are at least two items in the GROUP BY list. Otherwise, the GROUP BY input is not pre-sorted.
Simple optimizer rules - Indicates whether simple optimizer rules are in use (SQL.SimpleOptimizerRules) Possible values are Yes/No/Default.
Statement max time - Indicates the connection-specific statement maximum execution time in seconds. This setting is effective until a new maximum time is given. Zero time indicates that there is no maximum time. This is the default value.
Lock timeout - Indicates the timeout set by using the SET LOCK TIMEOUT statement.
Optimistic lock timeout - Indicates the timeout set by using the SET OPTIMISTIC LOCK TIMEOUT statement.
Idle timeout - Indicates the timeout set by using the SET IDLE TIMEOUT statement.
Join Path Span - Indicates the join path span value set by using the SET SQL JOINPATHSPAN statement.
RPC seqno - Internal protocol message sequence number.
SQL sortarray - The size of user-specific internal sort array.
SQL unionsfromors - The value tells how many (at most) OR operators may be converted to UNIONs. Unions are faster but require more memory to execute.
EVENT QUEUE LENGTH - Indicates the number of posted events in the event queue.
Connection idle timeout - Indicates the connection idle timeout setting
Stmt id - The current statement identification number. The numbers are session specific and they are assigned for each different statement.
Stmt state - An internal statement execution state.
Stmt rowcount - The number of rows retrieved or inserted in the current statement.
Stmt start time - The current statement start date and time.
Stmt last activity time - The timestamp of the most recent statement.
Stmt duration - Internal statement duration in seconds. This value has no relevance to the externally visible statement latency. Typically, the statement duration is much longer than latency.
Stmt SQL str - The current SQL statement string.
ADMIN COMMAND 'usertrace { on | off } user username { procedure | trigger | table } entity_name'
Abbreviation: utrc
This turns on user tracing in stored procedures and triggers. This command will generate output for every WRITETRACE statement in the specified procedure or trigger.
username is the name of the user whose procedure calls (or triggers) you want to trace. If multiple connections are using the same username, then calls from all of those connections will be traced. Furthermore, if you are using advanced replication, the tracing will be done not only for calls on the replica, but also calls that are propagated to the master and then executed on the master.
entity_name is the name of the procedure, trigger, or table for which you want to turn tracing on or off. If you specify a table name, it will generate output for all triggers on that table. Trace is activated only when the specified user calls the procedure / trigger.
For more details about usertrace, see “Tracing facilities for stored procedures and triggers” in the solidDB® SQL Guide.
See also ADMIN COMMAND 'proctrace'.
Abbreviation: ver
Displays server version information and information related to the solidDB software licence in use.