Getting Started : solidDB® product overview : solidDB® data management components : System tools and utilities
System tools and utilities
The solidDB® server package includes console tools for data management and administration, and command-line utilities for data export and import.
The tools and utilities are available in the bin directory in the solidDB® server installation directory.
Console tools
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql)
solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql) is a console tool that you can use to issue SQL statements and solidDB® ADMIN COMMANDs at the command prompt. You can also execute script files that contain the SQL statements.
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon)
solidDB® Remote Control (solcon) is a console tool for administration; users with administrator rights can issue ADMIN COMMANDs at the command prompt or by executing a script file that contains the commands. With solcon, the ADMIN COMMANDs can be issued as part of the solcon startup command line.
Because only users with administrator rights can access solcon, if only solcon is deployed at a production site, the administrators cannot accidentally execute SQL statements that could change the data.
Tools for exporting and loading data
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload)
solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload) loads data from an external file into a database.
solidDB® Export (solexp)
solidDB® Export (solexp) exports data from a database into a file. It also creates control files used by solidDB® Speed Loader (solloado or solload) to perform data load operations.
solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd)
solidDB® Data Dictionary (soldd) exports the data dictionary of a database. It produces an SQL script that contains data definition statements that describe the structure of the database.
See also
solidDB® data management components