Getting Started : Verifying your solidDB® installation : Connecting to solidDB® for the first time : Connecting to a database with the solidDB® SQL Editor
Connecting to a database with the solidDB® SQL Editor
To connect to a database with solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql), enter the solsql start command at your operating system command prompt, specifying the network name and credentials for the solidDB® server you want to connect to. On Windows operating systems, you can also use the Start > Programs > solidDB® > solidDB® SQL Editor menu path to start the editor.
To start the solidDB® SQL Editor:
On Windows operating systems, click the icon labeled solsql SQL Editor through the Start > Programs > solidDB® menu path.
This starts the solidDB® SQL Editor, connecting to solidDB® server using the communication port "tcp 2315" and username "dba" and password "dba".
Tip: If you would like the solsql SQL Editor icon to start solsql with different login data or communication port, you can modify the installation default settings by right-clicking the solsql SQL Editor icon and editing the shortcut Properties. For more details, see section Modifying Windows shortcuts in the solidDB® Administrator Guide.
In all other environments, enter the SQL editor start command at your operating system prompt. The command syntax is as follows:
solsql "networkname" [userid [password]]
For example: solsql "tcp 2315" dba dba
Tip: If you do not give your user name and password when you start the solidDB® SQL Editor, you are prompted for them.
If you entered a valid user name and password when you started the solidDB® SQL Editor, you are connected to the database. The figure below shows the solidDB® SQL Editor after a successful connection to the database.
solsql SQL editor
solidDB® SQL Editor <teletype> - Uersion: Build 2014-11-30
Copyright UNICOM Systems, Inc. 2014.
Connected to 'tcp 2315'.
Execute SQL statements terminated by a semicolon.
Exit by giving command: exit;
See also
Connecting to solidDB® for the first time