Getting Started : Verifying your solidDB® installation : Connecting to solidDB® for the first time : Viewing database and configuration status
Viewing database and configuration status
You can use the solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql), for example, to view the status of the database, check the parameter settings, or display the available administration commands (ADMIN COMMAND).
About this task
When you issue ADMIN COMMAND commands in solsql:
use a semicolon at the end of the command, and
use single quotation marks, not double quotation marks when specifying the command name.
1 To view the status of your database, issue the following command in the solidDB® SQL Editor:
An example output from the solidDB® SQL Editor is shown below:
sol&ql SQL editor
solsql> ADMIN COMMAND 'status';
      RC TEXT
      -- ----
       0 solidDB® started at 2014-11-30 10:51:20
       0 Current directory is C:\Program Files\UNICOM\solidDB\
solidDB100\eval_kits standalone
       0 Using configuration file C:\Program Files\UNICOM\solidDB\
solidDB100\eval_ kit\standalone\solid.ini
       0 Memory statistics:
       0     51235 kilobytes
       0 Process size statistics:
       0     Resident set size: 26804 kilobytes
       0     Virtual size: 57128 kilobytes
       0 Transaction count statistics:
       0     Commit Abort Rollback Total Read-only Trxbuf Active Validate

                  0     0        0     0       198      0      1        0
       0 Cache count statistics:
       0      Hit rate      Find       Read       Write
       0      98.5          1733       26          0
       0 Database statistics:
       0      Index writes             0  After last merge        0
       0      Log writes               0  After last cp           0
       0      Active searches          0  Average                 1
       0      Database size         8064 kilobytes
       0      Log size                32 kilobyes
       0 User count statistics:
              Current Maximum Total
                    1       1     1
23 rows fetched.
2 To view all parameter settings, issue the following command:
Tip: You can view section-specific parameter settings with the solsql command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'par section_name';
For example:
ADMIN COMMAND 'par IndexFile';
3 To view the available ADMIN COMMANDs, issue the following command:
See also
Connecting to solidDB® for the first time