Programmer Guide : solidDB® ODBC API
This section contains information and usage samples for developing applications that use the solidDB® ODBC API.
In general, solidDB® conforms to the Microsoft ODBC 3.51 standard. solidDB® ODBC APIs are defined based on the function prototypes provided by Microsoft. This guide details those areas where solidDB®-specific usage applies and where support for options, data types, and functions differ.
Note This manual does not contain a full ODBC API reference. For details on developing applications with ODBC API, see the Microsoft ODBC Programmer’s Reference.
solidDB® provides two versions of the ODBC driver, one for Unicode and one for ASCII. The Unicode version is a superset of the ASCII version; you can use it with either Unicode or ASCII character sets.
See also
Getting started with solidDB® ODBC
solidDB® ODBC Driver 3.51 features support
Calling functions
Connecting to a data source
ODBC handle validation
Executing transactions
Retrieving information about the data source’s catalog
Using ODBC extensions to SQL
solidDB® extensions for ODBC API
Using cursors
Using bookmarks
Error text format
Terminating transactions and connections
Constructing an application
Testing and debugging an application