Programmer Guide : solidDB® SA
solidDB® SA
This section describes how to use the solidDB® Application Programming Interface (API) also known as solidDB® SA.
solidDB® SA is a low level C-language client library to access solidDB® database management products. solidDB® SA is a layer that resides internally in solidDB® products. Normally, the use of an industry standards based interface, such as ODBC or JDBC, is recommended. However, in environments with heavy write load (BATCH INSERTS AND UPDATES), solidDB® SA can provide a significant performance advantage.
See also
What is solidDB® SA?
Getting started with solidDB® SA
Writing data by using solidDB® SA without SQL
Reading data by using solidDB® SA without SQL
Running SQL statements by using solidDB® SA
Transactions and autocommit mode
Handling database errors
Special notes about solidDB® SA
solidDB® SA function reference