Programmer Guide : solidDB® supported ODBC functions : Terminating a statement
Terminating a statement
Ends statement processing, discards pending results, and optionally, frees all resources associated with the statement handle.
Version introduced: 1.0
Availability when using ODBC: Supported
The SQLFreeStmt with an option of SQL_DROP is replaced by SQLFreeHandle.
Conformance: ISO 92
Closes a cursor that has been opened on a statement, and discards pending results.
Version introduced: 3.0
Availability when using ODBC: Supported
Conformance: ISO 92
Cancels the processing on an SQL statement.
Version introduced: 1.0
Availability when using ODBC: Supported
Conformance: ISO 92
Requests a transaction commit or rollback on all statements associated with a connection. SQLEndTran can also request that a commit or rollback operation be performed for all connections associated with an environment.
Version introduced: 3.0
Availability when using ODBC: Supported
Conformance: ISO 92
Version introduced: 1.0
Availability when using ODBC: Deprecated (replaced by SQLEndTran)
Conformance: N/A
See also
solidDB® supported ODBC functions