SMA and LLA Guide : SMA with HotStandby : Configuring SMA TC with HotStandby
Configuring SMA TC with HotStandby
When using SMA with Transparent Connectivity (TC), the applications on the Primary and the Secondary must connect to the databases using a SMA-specific TC connect info syntax.
About this task
With SMA TC, the application on each node must be able to connect to the local server with a SMA connection and to the remote server with a network-based connection.
The format of the TC connect target list for SMA with HotStandby is the following:
connect_target_list::=[SERVERS:]sma_connect_string, network_connect_string
sma_connect_string::= sma protocol_name port_number | pipe_name
network_connect_string::= protocol_name IP_address |
          host_computer_name port_number | pipe_name
Additionally, you need to set the load balancing method to LOCAL_READ (PREFERRED_ACCESS=LOCAL_READ).
Important: When using SMA with TC, if you set the load balancing method to READ_MOSTLY or WRITE_MOSTLY (default), a network connection is used instead of the SMA connection. Thus, when using SMA with TC, always set the load balancing method to LOCAL_READ.
1 Set up the two HotStandby servers.
2 Set up SMA on both servers.
3 For both applications, define the TC connection using the SMA-specific connect target list syntax and the load balancing attribute PREFERRED_ACCESS=LOCAL_READ.
4 Compile and start the applications.
Connect info of the application on host1 where solidDB® is listening at port 1964:
PREFERRED_ACCESS=LOCAL_READ SERVERS=sma tcp 1964, tcp host2 2315
Connect string of the application on host2 where solidDB® is listening at port 2315:
PREFERRED_ACCESS=LOCAL_READ SERVERS=sma tcp 2315, tcp host1 1964
See also
SMA with HotStandby