As long as you have SYS_ADMIN_ROLE privileges, you can shut down the solidDB® server from solidDB® client interfaces and even from another remote solidDB® connection.
Programmatically, you can perform the shutdown from an application such as solidDB® SQL Editor (solsql), or solidDB® Remote Control (solcon).
To shutdown solidDB®:
1 To prevent new connections to solidDB®, close the database by entering the following command:
2 Exit all solidDB® users by entering the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'throwout all'
3 Stop solidDB® by entering the following command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown'
All the shutdown mechanisms start the same routine, which writes all buffered data to the database file, frees cache memory, and finally terminates the server program. Shutting down a server may take awhile since the server must write all buffered data from main memory to the disk.
Note You can use the explicit method SSCStopServer to shut down a server that was started with implicit methods (SQLConnect). The converse is not true; for example, you cannot use SQLDisconnect to stop a server that was started with SSCStartServer.
Shutting down LLA server with SSCStopServer
If the server is started by SSCStartServer, then it must be shut down with the following function call in the embedded application: