Note SSCRegisterThread is deprecated as of 6.5 FP1; it is no longer necessary to register and unregister threads explicitly when using solidDB® with linked library access (LLA). As of 6.5 FP1, thread registration is handled implicitly.
SSCRegisterThread registers a solidDB® application thread for the server. Every thread that uses Control API, ODBC API, or SA API must be registered. The SSCRegisterThread function must be called by the thread before any other linked library access API function can be used.
If the application has only one (main) thread, that is, if the application creates no threads itself, then registration is not required.
Before a thread terminates, it must unregister itself by calling the function SSCUnregisterThread.
SscRetT SSC_CALL SSCRegisterThread(SscServerT h)
Usage type
In, Use
Handle to server
Return value
This function has no corresponding solidDB® SQL extension ADMIN COMMAND.