SQL Guide : Using SQL for database administration : Managing user privileges and roles
Managing user privileges and roles
You can use solidDB® teletype tools, and many ODBC compliant SQL tools to modify user privileges. Users and roles are created and deleted using SQL statements or commands. A file consisting of several SQL statements is called an SQL script.
In the samples/sql directory, you will find the SQL script sample.sql, which gives an example of creating users and roles. You can run it by using solsql. To create your own users and roles, you can make your own script describing your user environment.
See also
User privileges
User roles
Creating users
Deleting users
Changing a password
Creating roles
Deleting roles
Granting privileges to a user or a role
Granting privileges to a user by giving the user a role
Revoking privileges from a user or a role
Revoking privileges by revoking the role of a user
Granting administrator privileges to a user
Changing administrator’s user name and password
Using SQL for database administration
DDL privileges