SQL Guide : Functions : Miscellaneous functions
Miscellaneous functions
BITAND(integer1, integer2) BIT_AND(integer1, integer2)
Returns the result of the bitwise AND operation.
BITANDNOT(expression1,expression2) BIT_ANDNOT(expression1,expression2)
Clears any bit in the first argument that is in the second argument.
Performs a bitwise NOT operation.
Performs a bitwise OR operation.
Performs a bitwise exclusive OR operation.
Returns the encryption level of the database
0 - no encryption
1 - encrypted, the key is not protected (empty password)
2 - encrypted, the key is protected by a separate startup password
3 - encrypted, a custom encryption method is used
IFNULL(exp, value)
If exp is null, returns value; if not, returns exp
(if value is returned, it is converted to type of exp)
The SLEEP function can only be called from a stored procedure or a trigger. It causes the stored procedure or trigger to “sleep” (temporarily suspend activity) for the specified number of milliseconds. Resolution is accurate to approximately 1 second (1000 milliseconds). The exact length of the sleep also depends upon how busy the computer is with other processes and threads. The value must be a literal, not a variable or expression.
See also