solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Configuring solidDB : Using solidDB command-line options
Using solidDB command-line options
When starting solidDB, you can use command-line options, for example, to override certain parameter settings or invoke database operations such as database conversion.
At your operating system command prompt, use the following syntax:
solid [option] [option] [...]
For example:
solid -Uadmin -Padmin123 -x listen:"tcp 2315" -E -Sadmin
The previous command starts a solidDB server and encrypts an existing database where:
-U = user name: admin
-P = password: admin123
-x listen = network listening name: tcp 2315
-E = encrypts the database
-S = encryption password: admin
A full list of the available command-line options is available in Command line options. You can also view the options with the command-line option -h or -?, for example:
solid -h
If the syntax of the command is incorrect, a list of the valid options is displayed.
Note The command-line options are case-sensitive.
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Configuring solidDB