solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Using solidDB data management tools : solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd)
solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd)
solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd) is a tool for retrieving data definition statements from solidDB databases.
soldd produces an SQL script that contains data definition statements describing the structure of the database. The generated script contains definitions for tables, views, indexes, triggers, procedures, sequences, publications, events, and replication subscriptions.
The script has a default file name of soldd.sql.
User and role definitions are not listed for security reasons. If the database contains users or roles, add CREATE statements for them to the extracted SQL file manually.
The user name used to perform the export operation must have SELECT rights on the tables. Otherwise the connection is refused.
Starting soldd
Start solidDB Data Dictionary with the command soldd. For information about the command line syntax that you use to start soldd, see solidDB Data Dictionary (soldd) command line syntax.
If you start soldd with no arguments, a summary of the arguments with a brief description of their usage is displayed.
solidDB Data Dictionary examples
To connect to the server DB1 on TCP/IP port 1313, with user name dbadmin and password f1q32j4, and print the database definitions to the file database.sql, type the following command:
soldd -o database.sql "tcp DB1 1313" dbadmin f1q32j4
To display the definition of procedure TEST_PROC, type the following command:
soldd -x procedureonly " " dba dba TEST_PROC
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Using solidDB data management tools