solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Managing network connections : Communication between client and server
Communication between client and server
The solidDB server and the client transfer information between each other by using the network communication protocol of the computer. The connection between the server and the client is defined with a network name. The server listens to the network by using certain protocols and server names or port numbers. Clients must use a matching connect string to connect to the server.
On the solidDB server, the network name is defined as a network listening name and identifies the server in the network. When a solidDB server is started, the server publishes at least one network listening name. The server listens to the network by using the given network listening name. The network listening name is defined by using the Com.Listen configuration parameter.
On the client, the network name is defined as an ODBC or JDBC connect string that the client process uses to specify the server to connect to. To establish a connection from a client to a server, the client must know the network listening name of the server and, in some cases, also the location of the server in the network.
ODBC clients
For ODBC connections, a default connect string can be defined with the client-side Com.Connect configuration parameter. The connect string can also be supplied, for example, at connection time or when configuring data sources with an ODBC driver manager. The network name consists of a communication protocol, a possible set of options, and a server name. Depending on the protocol, the network name can be a name or a port number, for example, tcp 1315 or nmpipe solid1.
Because the network listening name and the connect string must match, the generic term network name is used to refer to either one as it is the string that defines the connection between the server and the client.
With the ODBC API, the network name can also be called the server name (following the ServerName argument in the SQLConnect() function).
JDBC clients
For JDBC connections, you must use a JDBC connection string (JDBC url) that specifies the host name of the computer where the solidDB server is running, and the port number on which the solidDB server is listening for connections.
Using solidDB with OpenSSL
solidDB supports the use of TLS connections to encrypt client/server communication.
To use TLS connections between ODBC clients and a solidDB server, OpenSSL libraries must be installed on both client and server systems. If OpenSSL is available, the solidDB server listens for SSL connections (that use the protocol name 'tls') on the TCP port or ports that are defined in the [Com] section of the solid.ini file, see Using SSL to encrypt the network connection between an ODBC client and a server.
JDBC clients use JSSE (Java Secure Sockets Extension), which is built in to the Java runtime environment (JRE) and do not use the OpenSSL libraries, see Using SSL to encrypt the network connection between a JDBC client and a server.
Note The solidDB server cannot listen for both TCP/IP and SSL connections on the same TCP port.
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Managing network connections