solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Managing network connections : Connect strings for ODBC clients
Connect strings for ODBC clients
The network name used by a client is a data source connect string. A connect string for clients that use the ODBC API consists of a communication protocol, a possible set of options, an optional host computer name, and a server name. By this combination, the client specifies the solidDB server it establishes the connection to. The connect string can also be mapped to logical data source name.
A default connect string can be defined with the client-side Com.Connect configuration parameter. The connect string can also be supplied, for example, at connection time or when configuring data sources with an ODBC driver manager.
The same format of the connect string applies to the Com.Connect parameter as well as to the connect string used by solidDB tools or ODBC applications.
For the full syntax of a connect string, see ODBC: Connection string syntax.
Connect=tcp -z -c1000 1315
Connect=nmpipe host22 SOLID
solsql "tcp localhost 1315"
solsql "tcp 1315"
rc = SQLConnect(hdbc, "upipe SOLID", (SWORD)SQL_NTS, "dba", 3, "dba", 3);
rc = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc,
     (SQLCHAR*)"DSN=tcp localhost 1964;UID=dba;PWD=dba",
Default connect string (Com.Connect)
Logical data source names
Using SSL to encrypt the network connection between an ODBC client and a server
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Managing network connections