solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Managing network connections : Communication protocols : TCP/IP protocol
TCP/IP protocol
solidDB supports both TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 protocols. To use the TCP/IP protocol, you must specify tcp as the protocol, specify the host computer (optional), and use a non-reserved port number.
The use of the TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 protocols differs, depending on the platform:
In Linux and UNIX environments, solidDB can listen to both the TCP/IPv4 and TCP/IPv6 protocols automatically, based on the format of the IP address in the network name. If the network name does not specify an IP address, solidDB tries to start listening on IPv6 (::0) first; if this is not possible, solidDB tries again on IPv4 (
If you want solidDB to listen to only one protocol type, you can specify the protocol explicitly with the -4 (IPv4) or -6 (IPv6) option in the network name.
In Windows environments, solidDB listens to the IPv4 protocol by default.
To use the IPv6, you need to specify the IPv6 protocol by using the option -6 in the network name.
The following table describes how to define the network name for the server when using the TCP/IP protocol.
IPv4 syntax
IPv6 syntax
Linux and
Listen = tcp [-4] [-ihost_computer] port_number
Listen = tcp 1315
Listen = tcp -i9.11.22.314 1315
Listen = tcp [-6] [-ihost_computer] port_number
Listen = tcp 1315
Listen = tcp -ife80::9:1122::0314 1315
Listen = tcp [-4] [-ihost_computer] port_number
Listen = tcp 1315
Listen = tcp -i9.11.22.314 1315
Listen = tcp -6 [-ihost_computer] port_number
Listen = tcp -6 1315
Listen = tcp -6 -ife80::9:1122::0314 1315
The following table describes how to define the network name for the client when using the TCP/IP protocol.
IPv4 syntax
IPv6 syntax
Linux and
Connect = tcp [-4] [host_computer] port_number
Connect = tcp 1315
Connect = tcp 1315
Connect = tcpip -4 accounting_dept_server 1315
Note tcp and tcpip can be used interchangeably.
Connect = tcp [-6] [host_computer] port_number
Connect = tcp 1315
Connect = tcp fe80::9:1122::0314 1315
Connect = tcpip accounting_dept_server 1315
Connect = tcp [-4] [host_computer] port_number
Connect = tcp 1315
Connect = tcp 1315
Connect = tcpip accounting_dept_server 1315
Connect = tcp -6 [host_computer] port_number
Connect = tcp -6 1315
Connect = tcp -6 fe80::9:1122::0314 1315
Connect = tcpip -6 accounting_dept_server 1315
host_computer = ip_address|host_name
If the server is running in the same computer with the client program, host_computer does not need to be specified.
If host_computer is specified as a host_name, the host_name must be listed in the /etc/hosts file or it must be recognized by the DNS (Domain Name Server).
If a client attempts to open a TCP/IP connection without specifying a host name, it uses the local loopback interface address, (IPv4) or ::1 (IPv6) as the default IP address.
port_number must be an unreserved port; reserved port numbers are listed in the /etc/services file of your system. Select a free number greater than 1024; smaller numbers are typically reserved for the operating system.
-i ip_address or -i host_name means that solidDB listens only to the specified IP address or host name. This is useful for systems that are connected to more than one network and support many TCP/IP interfaces or have multiple IP addresses.
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Communication protocols