solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Managing network connections : Communication protocols : Named pipes
Named pipes
Named pipes is a protocol commonly used in the Windows operating system. To use the named pipes protocol, select nmpipe or nmp as the protocol and enter a server name.
Syntax example
Listen = nmpipe server-name
Connect = nmpipe [hostname] server-name
server-name must be a character string at most 50 characters long.
If the server is running in the same computer with the client program, the hostname must not be specified.
If hostname is used, the hostname must be listed in the /etc/hosts file or it must be recognized by the DNS (Domain Name Server).
To connect to the solidDB server with the named pipes protocol, the user must have at least the same rights as the user who started the server.
For example, if an administrator starts the server, only users with administrator rights are able to connect to the server by using the named pipes protocol.
If a user does not have proper rights, the solidDB communication error 21306 message is generated.
Do not use the named pipes protocol with solidDB Remote Control (solcon); the asynchronous nature of communication between solcon and the solidDB server might cause problems with the named pipes protocol (the solidDB server can output messages to the solcon command prompt even though solcon does not query for such messages explicitly).
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Communication protocols