solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Managing network connections : Communication protocols : UNIX pipes
UNIX pipes
The UNIX domain sockets (UNIX pipes) are typically used to communicate between two processes that run in the same UNIX machine. UNIX pipes usually have a good throughput. They are also more secure than TCP/IP, since UNIX pipes can be accessed only from applications that run on the computer where the server executes.
When using the UNIX Pipes protocol, you must reserve a unique listening name (server name) for the solidDB server, for instance, solidDB. Because UNIX pipes handle the UNIX domain sockets as standard file system entries, there is always a corresponding file created for every listened pipe. For solidDB, the entries are created under the path /tmp.
For example, the server name solid creates the directory /tmp/solunp_SOLID and shared files in that directory. /tmp/solunp_ is a constant prefix for all created objects while the latter part (SOLID in this case) is the server name in uppercase format.
To use the UNIX pipes protocol, select upipe or unp as the protocol and enter a server name.
Syntax example
Listen = upipe server-name
Connect = upipe server-name
To use the UNIX pipes protocol, the server and client processes must run in the same machine.
The directory /tmp must exist.
The server process must have "write" permission to the directory /tmp.
The client that is accessing UNIX pipes must have "execute" permission on the directory /tmp.
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Communication protocols