solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Troubleshooting : Tracing communication between client and server : Network trace facility
Network trace facility
Network tracing can be done on the solidDB server, on the application server, or concurrently on both nodes. The trace information is written to the default trace file or the file specified with the Com.TraceFile parameter.
The default name of the output file is soltrace.out. This file is created in the current working directory of the server or client depending on which end the tracing is started.
The file contains information about:
loaded DLLs
network addresses
possible errors
You can turn on the network trace facility in the following ways:
Use the Com.Trace and Com.TraceFile parameters.
Defining the TraceFile configuration parameter automatically turns on the Network trace facility. For example:
Connect = nmp soliddb
Listen = nmp soliddb
Trace = yes
Connect = nmp soliddb
Listen = nmp soliddb
TraceFile = mytrace.txt
Use the environment variables SOLTRACE and SOLTRACEFILE.
The environment variable settings override the definitions in the solid.ini file. Defining the SOLTRACEFILE environment variable automatically turns on the Network trace facility. For example:
set SOLTRACE = Yes
set SOLTRACEFILE = mytrace.txt
Use the option -t or -ofilename as a part of the network name.
Option -t turns on the Network trace facility.
Option -o turns on the facility and defines the name of the trace output file.
For example:
Connect = nmp -t soliddb
Listen = nmp -t soliddb
Connect = nmp -oclient.out soliddb
Listen = nmp -oserver.out soliddb
Network trace facility output
The following text is an excerpt from a trace file:
Scanning listening keyword Listen from section Com. No listening information found from section Com. Generating default listening info.
Parsing address 'TCP/IP 1964'. Address information:
fullname : 'TCP/IP 1964'
lisname : '1964'
protocol : 'tcp' (TCP/IP)
enabled : Yes
ping :0
trace : No
Reading communication configuration from file D:\solid\solid.ini.
Parsing address 'TCP/IP 1964'. Address information:
fullname : 'TCP/IP 1964'
lisname : '1964'
protocol : 'tcp' (TCP/IP)
enabled : Yes
ping :0
trace : No
Initialising protocol 'tcp' (TCP/IP).
Searching DLL 'DTCW3237'.
DLL s:\soldll\DTCW3237.DLL loaded.
SOLID version 03.70.0026, DLL interface version 4.
Build information Tue Oct 25 00:18:07 2002.
Initialization of protocol 'tcp' succeeded.
Protocol TCP/IP using configuration : MaxPhysMsgLen: 8192 ReadBufSize: 2048 WriteBufSize: 2048 SelectThread: Yes Trace: Yes MinWritePoolBuffers: 4 MaxWritePoolBuffers: -1 WritePoolIncrement: 1
SyncRead: No SyncWrite: No
26.07 15:12:21 Initializing server. Listen info 'TCP/IP 1964'. Starting the listening of 'TCP/IP 1964'.
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Tracing communication between client and server