solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Troubleshooting : Tracing communication between client and server : Ping facility
Ping facility
The solidDB ping facility can be used to test the performance and functionality of the network connection. The ping facility is built into all solidDB client applications and is turned on with the network name option -plevel .
The output file is written to the current working directory of the computer where the parameter is given. The default name of the output file is soltrace.out.
Clients can always use the ping facility at level 1. Levels 2, 3, 4 or 5 can be used only if the server is set to use the ping facility at least at the same level.
The following table describes the function of each level of the ping facility:
No operation
Do nothing, default
Check that server is alive
Exchange one 100 byte message
Basic functional test
Exchange messages of sizes 0.1K, 1K, 2K..30K, increment 1K
Basic speed test
Exchange 100 messages of sizes 0.1K, 1K, 8K and display each sub-result and total time
Heavy speed test
Exchange 100 messages of sizes 0.1K, 1K, 2K, 4K, 8K, 16K and display each sub-result and total time
Heavy functional test
Exchange messages of sizes 1..30K, increment 1 byte
Note If the solidDB client does not have an existing server connection, you can use the SQLConnect() function with the connect string option -p1 (ping test, level 1) to check if solidDB is listening in a certain address. Without logging in to solidDB, SQLConnect() can then check the network layer and ensure solidDB is listening. When used in this manner, SQLConnect() generates error code 21507, which means the server is alive.
Running ping facility at level 1
Turn on the ping facility by using the following network name syntax:
protocol_name -plevel [-ofile_name] server_name
For example, to run the ping facility with solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), use the following command:
solsql "tcp -p1 -oping.out 1964"
This command runs the ping facility at the level 1 and outputs the results into soltrace.out. The ping facility checks if the server is alive and exchanges one 100 byte message to the server.
After the ping facility has been run, the client exits with the following message:
SOLID Communication return code xxx: Ping test successful/failed, results are in file FFF.XX
Com.Listen parameter and restrictions on the ping facility
The server-side ping level that is set with the Com.Listen parameter restricts the available ping levels on the client side. Clients can always use the ping facility at level 1 (0 is no operation/default). Levels 2, 3, 4 or 5 can be used only if the server is set to use the ping facility at least at the same level.
Note Ping clients running at a level greater than 3 might cause heavy network traffic and might slow down any application that is using the network, including any SQL clients connected to the same solidDB.
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Tracing communication between client and server