solidDB Help : Configuring and administering : Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting SMA : Cannot map shared memory area
Cannot map shared memory area
When trying to connect to a SMA server, the following type of error is displayed, and the connection fails:
Linux and UNIX operating systems
cannot map shared memory area 1288077395 to 0x2b0029800000 Cannot connect to target database.
Windows operating systems
SQL State "08004"; Native Error Code "25215";
Error Text "SMA failed in MapViewOfFileExt,
desired addr: 0000000800000000, got addr: 000000000000000000, error: 6.
When started, the SMA server starts attaching shared memory segments to an address space that is used by another process.
Resolving the problem
In general, the earlier your application connects to the SMA server, the less likely it is that the address space requested by solidDB is in use.
The SMA server uses the following address spaces by default.
Note The start address space is the value of the parameter shmaddr in the shmat() system call.
Operating system
Default start address space
Linux 64-bit
Linux 32-bit
Solaris Intel
Solaris Sparc
1 Force the start address space for the SMA server to a different address space by using the environment variable SOLSMASTART.
Linux and UNIX operating systems:
export SOLSMASTART=start_address_space
For example:
export SOLSMASTART=0x2b0000000000
Windows operating systems:
set SOLSMASTART=start_address_space
For example:
set SOLSMASTART=0x800000000
2 Restart the SMA server.
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Troubleshooting SMA