solidDB Help : solidDB Grid
solidDB Grid
Note Check the solidDB Release Notes for any limitations that are associated with using a grid in the current release.
If you have an application that you want to scale up horizontally, please contact your solidDB support representative to discuss whether the solidDB Grid feature would meet your requirements.
The following key benefits can be provided by using solidDB Grid:
Scalability of read-intensive and write-intensive workloads where most of the queries are single-row lookups.
Growth of transaction throughput and overall database capacity by adding new nodes to the grid.
Dynamic scaling of a grid by adding and removing nodes to and from the grid.
Automated handling and recovery from node failures.
A sample is included with solidDB that demonstrates these concepts, see Grid sample.
Note Features and functions of the grid other than those covered by the scope of the proofs of concept might not work properly.
The following grid-related functionality is not yet available:
Complicated SQL (cross-partition joins, foreign keys, and so on).
Multi-operation transactions.
Write load scalability for cross-partition transactions.
Extensive manageability.
Monitoring and diagnostics.
Online DDL.