solidDB Help : High availability : solidDB HotStandby : High Availability Controller : Failure handling with High Availability Controller (HAC) : HotStandby link fails
HotStandby link fails
The HotStandby (HSB) link fails.
Server #1 (in PRIMARY ACTIVE state) on Node A and Server #2 (in SECONDARY ACTIVE state) on Node B both register a connection failure to the other server.
To recover from the HSB link failure, the HAC instances ping the External Reference Entity (ERE) to find out if it is the network or the other server that has failed.
In the following example, it is the network connectivity to Node B that has failed but similar steps would be taken to resolve the problem if the network connectivity to Node A failed.
The recovery proceeds automatically as described in the following table:
When the primary server (Server #1) and the secondary server (Server #2) fail to connect with each other, Server #1 switches to PRIMARY UNCERTAIN state and Server #2 switches to SECONDARY ALONE state.
The direct connections between the HAC instance on Node A and Server #2 and the HAC instance on Node B and Server #1 fail.
The diagram is described in the first column of the row
Both HAC instances ping the ERE by using the operating system ping utility.
For the HAC instance on Node B, the ping fails and the HAC sets the local server (Server #2) to SECONDARY ALONE state (or in this case, the Server #2 retains the SECONDARY ALONE state).
For the HAC instance on Node A, the ping succeeds and the HAC attempts to connect to the remote server (Server #2). The connection fails, the HAC concludes that the network connection for Server #1 is operational but that Server #2 cannot be reached, and sets Server #1 to PRIMARY ALONE state.
The diagram is described in the first column of the row
The HAC instance on Node A continues to attempt to connect to Server #2 and when the network connection becomes operational, the servers are connected, the data is synchronized, and Server #1 and Server #2 switch to PRIMARY ACTIVE and SECONDARY ACTIVE states respectively.
The diagram is described in the first column of the row
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Failure handling with High Availability Controller (HAC)