solidDB Help : Installing : Verifying your solidDB installation : Starting solidDB and creating your first database : Starting solidDB in Linux and UNIX environments
Starting solidDB in Linux and UNIX environments
Complete the following steps to start solidDB in a Linux or UNIX environment:
1 If you have several solidDB installations on the same computer, check which installation is your default solidDB installation by running the following commands:
a To check which solid executable program is defined in the PATH environment variable, type the following command at the command prompt:
which solid
b To verify the version of the solid executable program, enter the following command at the command prompt:
solid -x version
2 In the eval_kit/standalone directory, enter the command solid -f at the command prompt.
The option -f forces the server to run in the foreground.
3 When you start solidDB, it checks whether a database already exists. If no database is found, solidDB prompts you to create a new database.
4 Type y to create a new database.
5 Type a name for the default database catalog, and a user name and password.
Note There are no defaults for the user name and password. You must remember the user name and password to be able to access the database again.
solidDB creates a new database called solid.db in the eval_kit/standalone directory.
The solidDB process is left running in the foreground. To make solidDB run in the background:
1 Press CTRL+Z to suspend the process.
2 Type bg to force the process to the background.
Note Alternatively, you can start solidDB and create a new database by specifying the database and login credentials as command-line options.
For example:
solid -Udba -Pdba -Cdba
This starts solidDB in the background and creates a new database with the following login data:
User name: dba
Password: dba
Catalog name: dba
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Starting solidDB and creating your first database