solidDB Help : Installing : Verifying your solidDB installation : Connecting to solidDB for the first time : Connecting to a database with the solidDB SQL Editor
Connecting to a database with the solidDB SQL Editor
To start the solidDB SQL Editor (solsql), complete one of the following steps depending on your operating system:
On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > solidDB > solsql SQL Editor.
The solidDB SQL Editor connects to solidDB server using the communication port 2315 and user name and password that you configured when you created the solidDB database.
If you want the solsql SQL Editor icon to use different login credentials or communication port, you can modify the installation default settings by right-clicking the solsql SQL Editor icon and editing the shortcut Properties. For more details, see Starting a solidDB server.
In all other environments, type the following command at your operating system prompt:
solsql "networkname" userid password
For example: solsql "tcp 2315" dba dba
If you do not provide your user name and password when you start the solidDB SQL Editor, you are prompted to enter them.
If you entered a valid user name and password, the solidDB SQL Editor displays the following message:
solsql SQL editor
solidDB SQL Editor (teletype) - Uersion: <version> Build <build>
Copyright UNICOM Systems, Inc.
Connected to 'tcp 2315'.
Execute SQL statements terminated by a semicolon.
Exit by giving command: exit;
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Connecting to solidDB for the first time