solidDB Help : Installing : Verifying your solidDB installation : Stopping and restarting the database : Stopping the database with solidDB SQL Editor
Stopping the database with solidDB SQL Editor
To stop the database, you must prevent users from connecting to the database, disconnect all connected users, and then shut down solidDB.
You can stop the database by using the solidDB SQL Editor (solsql). You must include a semicolon at the end of the commands. Also, you must use single quotation marks, not double quotation marks.
Run the following set of commands to stop the database:
1 Prevent additional users from connecting to the database:
2 Throw out all connected users (except the one who ran the command):
ADMIN COMMAND 'throwout all';
3 Shut down solidDB:
ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown';
4 Exit from the solsql tool:
Note The first three commands can be replaced with the single command:
ADMIN COMMAND 'shutdown force';
The solidDB database is shut down with all previously connected users disconnected.
Note When you shut down the server, it breaks the connection to solsql, and an error message might be displayed such as:
14519: The user was thrown out from the server; connection lost.
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Stopping and restarting the database