solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : BACKGROUNDJOB
ADMIN COMMAND 'backgroundjob'
[LIST [-l] [user]] |
[ABORT {jobid | user | ALL }] |
{jobid | user | ALL }]'
user ::= USER {username | userid}
Abbreviation: bgjob
Lists and optionally aborts running background jobs, that is, SQL statements that were started by using the START AFTER COMMIT statement.
LIST: lists running jobs for all users or a specified user. -l uses the long list format (similar to ADMIN COMMAND 'userlist -l').
ABORT: aborts either jobs by job identification number, all jobs by user identification number, or all jobs from all users. If you use the ABORT option without arguments, all jobs are aborted.
DELETE ERRORINFO: deletes error information from the SYS_BACKGROUNDJOB_INFO system table, where the errors encountered by background jobs are stored. This option performs the same operation as the deprecated ADMIN COMMAND 'cleanbgjobinfo' command.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax