solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : DESCRIBE
ADMIN COMMAND 'describe parameter param'
Abbreviation: des
Returns a description of all parameters or a parameter specified in the format section_name.param_name. The section and parameter names are not case-sensitive.
The rows of the result set are (in order):
Parameter_name: the name of the parameter, for example CacheSize.
Description: description of the parameter
Data_type: data type of the parameter
Access_mode: one of the following modes:
RO: read-only, the value cannot be changed dynamically
RW: read/write, the value can be changed dynamically and the change takes effect immediately
RW/STARTUP: the value can be changed dynamically but the change takes effect upon next server startup
RW/CREATE: the value can be changed dynamically but the change takes effect when a new database is created
Startup value: startup value of the parameter
Current value: current value of the parameter
Factory value: default value preset in the product
The following example describes parameter Com.Trace:
ADMIN COMMAND 'des parameter com.trace'
-- ----
 0 Trace
 0 If set to 'yes', trace information of the network messages
   is written to a file
 0 No
 7 rows fetched.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax