solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : INFO
ADMIN COMMAND 'info [options]'
Abbreviation: info
Returns server information.
options: One or more of the following values:
numusers: Number of current users.
maxusers: Maximum number of users.
sernum: Server serial number.
dbsize: Database size (KB).
logsize: Size of log files (KB).
uptime: Server startup timestamp.
bcktime: Timestamp of last successfully completed local backup.
cptime: Timestamp of last successfully completed checkpoint.
tracestate: Current trace state: see ADMIN COMMAND 'trace' for information on tracing.
monitorstate: Current monitor state, shown as the number of users who have SQL monitoring currently enabled (see ADMIN COMMAND 'monitor' for information on SQL monitoring). If all users have SQL monitoring enabled, the value is -1.
openstate: Current state for accepting connections. Open means that the database server accepts new connections.
nummerges: Number of merges.
numlocks: Number of locks.
numcursors: Number of open cursors.
numtransactions: Number of open transactions.
memtotal: Total amount of allocated memory (bytes).
dbfreesize: Amount of free space remaining in database (KB).
dbpagesize: Database page size (KB).
imdbsize: Amount of space used by in-memory tables (including temporary tables and transient tables) and the indexes on those tables. The return value is in kilobytes (KB) and is in the form of a VARCHAR. See Monitoring memory consumption.
name: Server name. You can set the server name with the solidDB startup option -n name.
primarystarttime: The time the server started as a primary server.
secondarystarttime: The time the server started as a secondary server.
dbconfigsize: The configured database size (MB), as set with the IndexFile.FileSpec parameter.
dbcreatetime | dbcreationtime: Database creation timestamp.
processsize | psize: System-level virtual process size (KB). See Monitoring memory consumption.
majorversion: Server major version.
readlevel: Current user transaction read level.
creponly: Whether the database can be written to by CREP only or not, see SET CREPONLY.
More than one option can be used per command. Values are returned in the same order as requested, one row for each value.
ADMIN COMMAND 'info dbsize logsize';
       RC TEXT
       -- ----
        0 851968
        0 573440
2 rows fetched.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax