solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : PROCTRACE
ADMIN COMMAND 'proctrace {on | off} user username
  {procedure | trigger | table} entity_name'
Abbreviation: ptrc
This turns on tracing in stored procedures and triggers.
username: Name of the user whose procedure calls (or triggers) you want to trace. If multiple connections are using the same user name, calls from all of those connections will be traced. Furthermore, if you are using Advanced Replication, the tracing is done on calls propagated to (executed on) the master, as well as the calls executed on the replica.
entity_name: Name of the procedure, trigger, or table for which you want to turn tracing on or off. If you specify a procedure or trigger name, then it will generate output for every statement in the specified procedure or trigger. If you specify a table name, then output for all triggers on that table is generated. Trace is activated only when the specified user calls the procedure / trigger.
For more details about proctrace, see Tracing facilities for stored procedures and triggers.
See also, ADMIN COMMAND 'usertrace'.
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax