solidDB Help : solidDB reference : solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax : REPORT
ADMIN COMMAND 'report filename [options]'
Abbreviation: rep
Generates a report of server information and statistics to a file defined with filename.
In the report file, the performance timer information is listed under the section PERFORMANCE TIMERS. The output lists the execution times for each user, identified by the userid, see PERFMON TIMERS.
The solidDB ADMIN COMMAND 'report' can be a heavy operation. This can cause CPU usage spikes on a heavily loaded server and block the server for a fraction of a second, not allowing user connects or disconnects and even stalling user queries.
Lock manager state reporting is the most critical operation. It can be omitted from the report output by setting the General.ReportLockManager configuration parameter to no.
The default is to print all sections of the report including the lock manager state.
If you require only a part of the full report, you can limit the output by running the command with one or more of the following options:
-nolockmgr: Skips lock manager report printing.
-nousers: Skips user list printing
-nomemory: Skips memory allocation printing
-nopmons: Skips pmons printing
-nothreads: Skips detailed thread information printing (has no effect now)
-nosysevents: Skips system events and errors printing
ADMIN COMMAND 'report rep.out -nolockmgr -nomemory -nothreads'
ADMIN COMMAND 'report rep2.out -nousers -nopmons -nosysevents';
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solidDB ADMIN COMMAND syntax